In the Akmola region, entrepreneurs are reminded of the importance of disinfestation, disinfestation, disinfection
В Акмолинской области предпринимателям напоминают о важности проведения дезинсекции, дератизации, дезинфекции 07.02.2017

The topic “Issues of disinfestation, disinsection and disinfection” is relevant all year round, given that various bacteria, viruses, fungi and other pathogenic microflora surround a person at every step.

The most important item to ensure proper sanitary conditions in the food industry, public catering, utilities remains disinsection (insect control), deratization (rodent control) and disinfection (destruction of pathogenic microbes in the human environment).

Pest and disinfestation measures should be carried out at regular intervals. Disinfection is carried out regardless of the presence of infectious diseases in order to prevent them. The procedure prevents the accumulation and spread of pathogens in the environment and consists in the systematic disinfection of wastewater, garbage, rooms in crowded areas.

An agreement on pest control and pest control should be available at food production enterprises. The methodology, multiplicity and conditions of disinsection and deratization works are regulated by hygienic requirements for disinfection, deratization and disinsection works.

Pest and deratization measures are divided into preventive and destructive. Preventive methods are aimed at creating obstacles for the penetration of arthropods and rodents into the premises of the enterprise and adverse conditions for their existence. Preventive measures are usually combined with fighter ones.

Chemical methods are based on the use of toxic substances that are widely used by NCE: for insects - insecticides (absolute dust, absolute gel, typhoon, agran, medilis, boric acid, trichlophos, karbofos, etc.) and fumigants. Insecticides are used in the form of powders, emulsion solutions, suspensions, aerosols and dry baits.

To combat insects and rodents, modern and effective methods, instruments and tools are used that are authorized for these purposes by sanitary authorities. The choice of pest and deratization products depends on the biological characteristics of the objects.

Chemical insect control agents may be used only by authorized specialists. Disinfestation and disinfestation measures are carried out constantly and regularly in the prescribed manner.